There is the Saviour, strong and brave,
The whole world in His hands,
Yes, He is Lord because He gave
His life to serve God's plans...
And in that act of sacrifice,
His Blood still falling down,
He, there and then, once paid sin's price,
Proved worthy of the crown...
Until His life came at an end
The debt could not be paid,
Yet Christ is called the Sinner's Friend,
For, He, atonement made...
Thus God would raise Him from the dead,
Eternal Priest and King,
God took the Blood that Jesus bled,
His holy offering...
The burden bearer that He was,
No small death, Calvary,
There, crucified, stretched on His Cross,
Christ died for you and me...
The Holy Spirit as His guide,
His mentor here on Earth,
So that each sinner could decide,
How much was Jesus worth...
To think, Christ welcomes us draw near,
'Come close, let faith bring peace,
For perfect love can cast out fear
And bring your conscience ease...
Else why believe, if all in vain,
If all your sins persist?
Believe, for there is much to gain,
Let's seal it with a kiss...'
The burden bearer knows us well,
Acquainted with Man's grief,
Lord Jesus, who saves us from Hell,
Can bring us sweet relief...
The choice is yours, receive God's gift,
Or struggle day-by-day...
Your burdens are for Him to lift,
So Christ takes them away...
Why crush your hearts and minds with cares?
Why fret with worries so?
Be comforted with childlike prayers
And bid your troubles go...
Dear children of the Father's heart,
Learn from your share of grace,
Receive all things God would impart
With smiles upon each face...
Denis Martindale