Denis Martindale - Special Friends, Special Soulmates

2014-06-12 1

The bond between us lives in smiles and sometimes salty tears -
It blossoms through our joys and trials and crosses our careers.
I'm there for you! You're there for me! As if it's meant that way.
Despite life's search for certainty, it's love that still holds sway.
Our love's not based on pure physique - the years mean nought to us.
We see each other as unique, without the need to fuss.
There's something in our hearts and minds and deep within our souls,
Such that each spirit always finds the faith for higher goals.
It's not by chance. It's destiny! It's Fate! Of that I'm sure!
I'll treasure you eternally, with love for ever more.
Time holds no power over friends, nor distance, faults or foes.
Our joy remains. It never ends. It's like a light that glows.
It doesn't burn us to the bone, like passions as they rage.
It merely warms us till we've known the limits at each stage.
And yet one truth surpasses all, transcending all we know...
We're special friends beyond God's call when one of us must go...
Think not that I could love you less in life, in death, my friend...
Beyond all breath and happiness, this blessing cannot end...
While there's a Heaven filled with love and courage 'gainst the night,
In God's time we'll embrace above... Two spirits bathed in light...

Denis Martindale