Stands so still as thousands pass him by
Naked, young, and handsome
With eye fixed on goal and
Every muscle tuned to achievement
Task greater than his years
Courage than his fears
Humble, trustful in proud stance
And though the crowds press all
Around, there is in him no inkling
Of side glance
What did his heart contain
When giant mocked, and all
Assembled folk did strain to see,
Celebrate this lad’s victory
Giant’s sad bereavement.
Could he have known then
The battles still to wage
With armies and with self.
This naked body that would
Dance for God before the Ark
Lie down in Uriah’s bed, shed his blood
Then humbled by a prophet’s word
Plead for mercy from all strife
To lead Israel like a mighty sage
What thought or sentiment
Lies hidden in this young man’s breast?
And in those who stand, admire, and
simply wonder? Encased in marble
stillness. Could we ever know?
Midifo Yearns