Allan James Saywell - Venus Mars And Shakespeare

2014-06-12 2

Your lips tremble because of their tenderness
They are ripe, but not tasted
Let me taste them while young
Beauty should be admired today
A flower opens but once
Then is consumed by it's mother

We are young sweet smelling
Not old, ill natured, with ancient voice
Or worn out with a slow burning flame
I see with the eyes of a youth
Why do you hesitate
Is my body not coiled, why do you shrink

My brow is smooth, like a baby
My eyes are blue, with life and quick
My beauty is measured by the spring
My flesh is taunt and tuned
My hands are hot for you
In that these hands, bring your body desire

Let me seduce your ear
Or like a dancer, dance upone your grass
Or tie your hair to a bed
Dance in the sand so you lose your feet
The spirit of love will burn like fire
Our shadows will dance, in the heat of desire

Written Wednesday September 2005

Allan James Saywell