A Tribute to Timoteo Guintos
He braves his way into the foliage,
With blade he clears a prickly cogon path
He looks intently for vital scenery
And angles to find the perfect match.
My Grandfather was a hero.
He drew logistics for the Yanks
He paint'd scen'ry in war-torn Negros
To free the Phil'ppines from the Japs
My grandfather was an artist.
A mark from his golden hand is priceless
He was famous for his portraits.
Far and Wide, great men come to him for this.
My grandfather was a violinist.
His del'cate passions kept him boundless.
All strong emotions of him sings
From gentle strokes of his strings
My grandfather was a godly man
He taught my mother Whom to fear
He brought his fam'ly with strong hands
To God he called them to be near.
My grandfater was a Brave man.
He knew how to lead the way.
There to guide and protect us.
That he would fight f'r-us all the way.
My heart grieves for you my Lolo.
A legacy so great should at last be lost.
My soul aches for it to remember
The love you've shown us with great cost.
My heart's prayer is that, for you
And I, will see each other soon.
At the other end of our life's journey
From which unspoken glories awaits you.
And the God that you so fervently believe
Will lead you into His Eternal Dwelling.
Good bye Lolo Timok. We will all miss you.
Arch Ian Jay Bantilan