His bronze and gentle guiding hand
extended out to mine,
inviting me to take a risk
and let our dreams combine.
My skeptic nature guarded me,
unsure of his intent,
but with a nod I answered, 'Yes,
I'll dance, my southern gent.'
He held me tightly, wrapping me
in scents of bold romance.
Embraced within his daring gaze,
I gave his waltz a chance.
His touch of passion led the way
and strummed upon my heart;
within his steps I found a strength
which ripped my doubts apart.
A depth of spirit none had shown
enthralled my dimming core
and radiated blinding rays
of love not known before.
Absorbing light, projected forth,
I felt a rising need
to have this man, who waltzed with me,
implant within a seed.
A seed of knowledge and respect
that urges truth to flow.
To gain the wisdom and the trust
which nurtures love to grow.
Then lost inside this heightened faith
our dance will never end;
as now we've found the perfect mate,
a lover and a friend.
Jo Lynn Ehnes