Raman Savithiri - 942. Mother removes a pressing thorn by another thorn! 210308

2014-06-12 12

As I walked alone in Life,
Enquiring the meaning of grief,
With accompanying twilight waft,
Under dim sky full of blinking stars,
Forgetting my Mother’s warning,
I entered a risky path but charming!

Not even a few steps…I went.
A deadly thorn pricked my foot!
As I yelled and moaned,
As I swelled and hobbled,
As I repented my oversight,
She rushed to me straight!

Taking another thorn in Her swift hand,
Holding gently my foot then bled,
She jabbed the pressing thorn by another!
It was more painful and much sorer! !
But, I ought to go through with cooperation,
For soon there will be relief after operation!

Thus all pains and sorrows of living,
Are to be borne with total yielding,
For She the most sympathetic strives,
To remove all our noxious karmas!

Bear with valor as far as you can
Any poverty, any befallen sin,
Any disease, any separation,
Any humiliation, any dejection,
Even death approaching…
Bear with total surrender!
After all these are nothing but,
Waiting to see a glorious light,
Following a long gloomy night!

She is the Mother of all creatures!
She never gives poison to one kid,
And sweet porridge to another kid!
Just look at your bowl and drink!
Even if it is bitter, it is for your betterment! 210308

Raman Savithiri
