Dr John Celes - Bible in Poetry: Gospel of St. John 1 (Chapter 1)

2014-06-12 85

The Word of Life:

‘The word of life which was always,
That we had heard with our own ears,
Which we had seen with our two eyes,
That our hands have really touched,
Unto you too, we declare thus,
That you have fellowship with us,
And with Father and Son, Jesus.’

Walking in the Light:

We write these unto you so that,
The joy that’s full fills up your heart;
The message that we heard from Him
Is God is Light, without darkness!

To say that we have fellowship,
And walk in darkness is a lie,
And cannot be the truth at all;
As He is light, we walk in light,
We’ve fellowship with everyone.

The blood of Jesus Christ, His son,
Cleanses our souls from stains of sin;
If we say that we have no sin,
Is not the truth that lies within,
For, we deceive ourselves and God.

If we confess our sins to God,
He readily forgives us all,
And spares us from His fairer rod,
And gives us back our righteousness.
If we say we have never sinned,
We make Him too a liar great;
His word dwells not inside our heart.


Dr John Celes
