Dr John Celes - Stop Abortions, Now!

2014-06-12 3

A billion killed within the womb each year!
Must people kill their kith and kin and dear?
The spattered blood pleads for revenge to God;
Such cruel deaths will invoke God’s just rod!

No excuses can cover up the blot;
Women, beware of this insane a plot;
The distress cries of unborn babes will ring
Throughout your life and woes galore could bring!

Guilty are makers of this policy!
The procurers can’t mask their idiocy!
The leaders can’t escape their major role
Of murders in the womb, loss of each soul!

Condemn the barbaric methods in vogue;
Such killers aren’t better than any rogue;
If taking lives is part of ‘good health care’,
Then deaths from Nature’s furies are but fair!

Are unborn babies ‘lambs’ of sacrifice?
Is womb-killing a virtue then, not vice?
Each life within the womb was made by God;
No human being dare challenge the Lord!

The murders foul will bring down curses great;
Then sufferings on earth will not abate;
Abortions can’t curtail the people’s growth;
More things are wrought by prayers and good faith!

Why kill your own in ruthless, heinous ways?
Why buy the wrath of God in your earth-days?
‘Accept the ways of Nature’, Maker says;
Obey God’s codes to fill your soul with grace!

'Abortions, the Blot in Modern Health Care Delivery'

Copyright by Dr John Celes 10-31-2009

Dr John Celes


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