Dr John Celes - Sonnet: Most People Today!

2014-06-12 1

Oh, what the hell is happening ‘round me?
Most people do not live the way they should;
The need for lucre drives them insanely;
They do not care about kith, kin, flesh, blood!

They will not do all things as Bible says;
They treat their siblings worse than strangers ev’n;
They forget all their woes of yester-days;
They waste their precious life and time God-giv’n;

They think that they have climbed the peak of life;
They stray away from God ev’r since their birth;
They will not help their fellowmen in strife;
And all the while, they stand on verge of death!

And by the time, some sense returns to head,
They turn bed-ridden, lying almost dead!
Copyright by Dr John Celes 6-15-2006

Dr John Celes


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