Bob Gotti - All Things Work Out

2014-06-12 6

All Things will indeed fall in place, for our God is a God of Grace.
All fears God will erase away, giving you comfort along the way.
Replacing the fear He does erase, with God’s peace in its place.
Soon what seems so very new, will all be common place for you.

The Grace God bestows on you, in His time will see you through.
No matter what your heart may say, God will lead you all the way.
As your emotion wells up inside, in Christ Jesus you must abide.
For His Grace is sufficient friend, from the beginning to the end.

What seems today to be concern, is just one more means to learn.
God will help you to understand, the present task you have at hand.
God puts you on unknown roads, sometimes with very heavy loads.
God uses things you don’t know, within your world to help you grow.

He works out tasks big and small; and God helps you when you fall.
What seems to be a huge task, can shrink to nothing when you ask.
Going to God on bended knees, will put your troubled heart at ease.
Just ask God right where you are, for Christ, my friend, is never far.

Friend, any time, any place, you can call upon His Awesome Grace.
A Grace that reaches far and wide, filling you with His Peace inside.
Just let Christ Jesus fill your heart, in each and every task you start.
And all your fears shall melt away, as Christ is in your heart to stay.


Bob Gotti