I come to The Lord Jesus Christ; He gives to me a brand new life.
New Life in Christ from up above; the gift of God’s Awesome Love.
I bring to The Lord my life of sin, and He cleanses me deep within.
Cleansed by the Blood of Christ; the cleansing blood for every life.
I come to Him with a contrite heart, and God gives me a new start.
It’s the start of a brand new life, one centered around Jesus Christ.
I pray to God on bended knees, and Christ fills me with His peace.
That peace secured at Calvary, where Jesus died for you and me.
I come to Him with a heart of grief; God gives to me amazing relief.
He lifts the burden from my heart, and sinful ways begin to depart.
I come to Christ with no Hope, and He gives to me power to cope.
A power for this earthly race; supplied by God’s Awesome Grace.
I believe The Word as I hear it, and God gives me The Holy Spirit.
And The Holy Spirit I did receive, the very moment that I believed.
I surrender my life to Christ above, and God fills me with His Love.
Love to help me share The Word, until Truth, all men have heard.
I stand in need of His correction, and He gives me a new direction.
He forgives my past wicked life, and puts me on a path with Christ.
I come to Him out of empty strife, and He gives to me Eternal Life.
This empty world will pass away, but with Christ, I will forever stay.
You can come to Him my friend, and have yourself a better end,
If you would just believe in Christ, He too, will enter into your life.
God will forgive your sinful past, and give you a life that will last,
Life that will last for Eternity, where with Christ you’ll forever be.
Bob Gotti