Of all the stars there’s only one, bright enough to be called the sun.
In this overwhelming universe, there’s only one planet we call earth.
Of all the creatures upon its face, God distinguished the human race.
And all other creation is underfoot, of the man, and it was very good.
The sun above will be no more, when Christ is the Light forevermore.
My friend, of all the races in His sight, God had selected the Israelite.
From all of the cities they came from, God would choose Jerusalem.
In a land that many would trod, He had given man the oracles of God.
God chose this nation as He knew, His Son would walk earth as a Jew.
And every promise God shall fulfill, in the tiny miraculous land of Israel.
To save that one race of fallen man, God has but one redemptive plan.
And multitudes from every nation, will be saved with but one salvation.
God places but only one spirit within, all men who truly come unto Him.
God chose a Savior, next to none, that was Jesus Christ His Only Son.
There’s but one way to Eternal Life, it’s through God’s Son Jesus Christ.
Of all the gods I can say with a nod, there is but only one True God.
Friend, far above this earth’s equator, sits this world’s Eternal Creator.
And the world’s only Eternal Creator, is also it’s only Lord and Savior.
One day soon The Son of Man, will reign from God’s Only Holy Land.
And this one and only Eternal Plan, God had finished before we began.
Bob Gotti