Bob Gotti - In God’s Time

2014-06-12 51

All will happen in God’s time, through God’s will and design,
Overriding some of our desire, with a purpose that is higher.
In His time all shall see, God’s plan and ways are of eternity,
As He uses all times in ways, to prepare us for eternal days.

We focus on things of earth, but His plan is of eternal worth,
Then by His Grace, in His time, that focus becomes sublime.
For this focus, we have the need, to let The Holy Spirit lead,
Helping us in our earthy life, keep our focus on Jesus Christ.

For as we look upon our state, at times it’s truly hard to wait,
With a heart, quiet and still, as we wait on God’s perfect Will.
Confusing a want with a need, can slide our heart into greed,
Grieving the Spirit, Christ sent, to help our hearts be content.

For it was purely in God’s time, in His Love which was divine,
When He sent His Only Son, to Calvary’s Cross for everyone.
Where He would die and bleed, for sinful man’s biggest need;
The salvation of our mortal soul, to make man eternally whole.

All the needs and cares we face, are handled in God’s Grace,
This in the same time and way, God cared for us on that day,
The day He opened a door for us, mere creatures of the dust,
To gain from Him Eternal Life, by simple trust in Jesus Christ.

(Copyright ©02/2008)

Bob Gotti

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