Bob Gotti - He Is God

2014-06-12 11

He is God who sits above the sky, God of Glory who reigns on High,
Not bound at all by any limitations, ruling above this world of nations.
He Reigns above the rules of men, in ways we just can’t comprehend,
Superseding all of men’s set ways, ruling through all nights and days.

His ways are higher than our own, reigning from His Righteous Throne,
One established before all time, in the Heavens Glorious and Sublime.
A Throne established in Authority, that extends throughout all Eternity.
With God’s authority is His Grace, which permeates all time and space.

A Grace which changes any plan, as it truly exceeds the limits of man.
Although God himself cannot change, God reaches down to rearrange,
Goals and purposes in this life, to the glory and honor of Jesus Christ,
Who, daily watches over all His own, from His Glorious Eternal Throne.

His subjection, The Lord can bring, upon the heart of any reigning king,
And this He does in order to fulfill, any desire in accordance to His will.
And The Lord God who reigns supreme, can fulfill what is but a dream,
This as God blesses the hearts of men, who in His Son are Born Again.

Nothing can restrain God’s Love, from flowing to men, from up above,
To reach believers like you and me, who belong to The Son of Eternity.
And we could never begin to know, why His blessings continue to flow,
And no man can bring them to an end, as they flow into Eternity friend.

(Copyright ©09/2007)

Bob Gotti