Bob Gotti - God Alone

2014-06-12 3

It is the Grace of God alone, extending from His Glorious Throne,
From the Throne of Eternal God, Who also rules with an Iron Rod.
Men call it God’s Amazing Grace, that reaches down to any place,
To touch and move a sinner’s heart, with nothing done on our part.

His Grace alone changes a life, through the power of Jesus Christ,
As God’s Spirit moves on the earth, leading sinners to a new birth.
All that we can do, is to believe, and God’s Spirit, we then receive,
Saving men from His Throne above, as His own, through His Love.

It’s only after we place our trust, in Christ that God can then use us,
Even then, the work’s not our own, for salvation is from God alone.
Through The Spirit of Christ within, we’re used to point men to Him,
So that they can come to the place, to be touched by God’s Grace.

For it’s Grace, not work of men, which brings one to be born again,
Born of The Spirit of God, to be a new creature on this earthly sod.
New creatures in God’s own power, given to us each day and hour.
To proclaim to men His salvation, provided by Him to every nation.

Even this message we proclaim, is through the power of His name,
Jesus, who paid the total price, and alone became God’s sacrifice,
Where He alone died on that cross, to save a world of sinners lost,
Who alone, provides a place, for men to live forever, by His Grace.

(Copyright ©09/2007)

Bob Gotti