Bob Gotti - A True Blessed Hope

2014-06-12 5

Christ is indeed for us my friend, our true Blessed Hope for the end,
He is our Blessed Hope my friend, in that we will see a brighter end.
This Hope is something we can’t see, that we can know is sure to be.
And this hope is for all who come, to a living faith in God’s Only Son.

In Jesus Christ we’re set apart, through faith in Him at the very start,
We’re set apart when we’re saved, from a world that’s quite depraved.
We’re seated in a Heavenly place, through the work of Saving Grace,
And sealed by The Spirit of God, and protected in this world we trod.

Placed on a much different path, and saved so we don’t suffer wrath.
The Wrath of God is sure to come, but not on men who love The Son.
We’re sealed until our redemption, and my friend there’s no exemption,
Once He comes to live in our heart, Christ my friend will never depart.

The Man of Sin is being held at bay, and he shall be up until that day.
Being held back until that very hour, by The Spirit’s restraining Power.
An hour of trial coming upon men, left on earth following Satan’s plan.
Our light will not in the world, when Satan’s darkened plan is unfurled.

For he will be revealed on the day, when The Holy Spirit is taken away.
And that’s the day my dear friend, Believers shall see the brighter end.
For on that day Christ will descend, to the clouds to meet us my friend.
And every believer will one day see, what for many today is a mystery.

The Blessed Hope brings us Salvation, while all others face tribulation.
Jesus is our Blessed Hope indeed, and all the assurance that we need.
Friend there can be no denial, that we’ll be kept from that hour of trial.
Jesus will keep us from that hour, by His Grace and Sovereign Power.

(Copyright ©03/2005)

Bob Gotti