Bob Gotti - His Will, Not Mine

2014-06-12 4

Friend, when I face a mountain high, I look to The Lord up in the sky,
God changes mountains into hills, as God changes things as He wills.
Friend, even if my path seems long, I know that I am where I belong,
For God has planned my path for me, it’s one that ends up in Eternity.
His will for me in this present life, is to follow the steps of Jesus Christ.

And our Lord’s earthly path my friend, had indeed a very tragic end,
“Not my will” He said that day, as His Father’s will was the only way.
This is God’s will for us indeed, as we must follow The Savior’s lead.
As I am crucified with Christ you see, I don’t live, but He lives in me.
Friend, now my life I live for God, this in each and every day I trod.

When I pass through waters friend, I remember Christ’s tragic end,
When the waters get too deep, it was on that cross He died for me.
And when they become a flood, it was for me that He spilt His Blood.
It’s the power from His sacrifice, that sustains me in the waters of life,
So that in my life men may see, that it’s The Lord Jesus living in me.

For my friend God’s will in my life, is to be for Him a living sacrifice.
Christ gives me the power to fulfill, not mine, but God’s Eternal Will.
So when I face a river or a hill, I know that it’s God’s Sovereign Will.
Soon Christ will come for His own, to take us to our Heavenly Home,
Safe at last with The Lord we’ll be, to be with Christ through Eternity.

(Copyright ©02/2005)

Bob Gotti