The Lamb of God can be for you, the biggest blessing you ever knew.
He was sent from Heaven up above, to the earth by The Father’s love.
Christ was sent to die upon a tree, He was sent to die for you and me.
He takes away the sin of the world, the very message John did herald.
Into the world came The Light, to guide us out of the darkness of night.
He came to take us out of the night, for us to carry a message of light.
As you believe the message of light, you are delivered out of the night.
And then you are granted New Life, and this is based solely on Christ.
From Christ you receive a New Birth, from Heaven not from this earth.
Friend, you become spiritually healed, and by His Spirit you are sealed.
Sealed until the Day of Redemption, and in Christ there is no exemption.
If you truly believe in Jesus Christ, you friend, will experience New Life.
He will fill your heart with peace, and also a joy that will never cease.
Christ will put you on a journey friend, that in and of itself will not end.
Although it starts upon this earth, it continues well into eternal mirth.
And the only door is Jesus Christ, the Door that leads to Eternal Life.
Once you walk through The Door, you’re secure in Christ forevermore.
Choose to follow The Lamb today; He will lead you in the narrow way.
As you follow The Lamb of God, He guides you with His staff and rod.
A Blessed journey will be yours, when you follow Christ as your Lord.
(Copyright ©04/2005)
Bob Gotti