Bob Gotti - When I Am Frustrated

2014-06-12 3

Today I am as frustrated as can be and I need The Lord to comfort me.
I need Christ’s Peace to fill my heart before my day can even start.
When my heart begins to well with fear I know my Lord is always near.
I need my focus to be on Him when my emotions begin to stir within.

All my times are in The Lord’s Hands even when I don’t understand.
As Satan sets me up for a fall, in The Lord I can rise above it all.
When in my life my heart is tried, I remember that for me Christ died.
When I begin my day with The Lord the peace to my heart is restored.

When things about me shift like sand, on The Eternal Rock I’ll stand.
He who gave me my very life will help me through this day of strife.
Christ helps me through every day, as I cast all my cares His way.
He is with me each day my friend, preparing me for the coming end.

Trials do come and trials go, but this life is temporal, this I know.
Home is where the heart is friend and this fallen world is not my end.
In my trials He helps me see that all this strife ceases in Eternity.
No more pain and no more strife, just a pure and perfect Eternal Life.

As I focus on Christ’s soon return a peace in my heart begins to churn.
And this is one that will not cease, as this my friend is Eternal Peace.
Then today’s frustration melts away, as I know I’m not here to stay.
For soon I will see His face as I’m raptured from this temporal place.

(Copyright ©10/2004)

Bob Gotti