Jody Renee Pantiga - -currently untitled-

2014-06-12 4

The doctors said you died
Some time before
Yet I felt you
Swimming around
Brushing hands across my belly
Thrusting feet into my ribs.

On the still spring day
When the pain first banded
Around my abdomen I prayed
Harder then I ever have or will again
Begging God for his divine intervention
To help you keep you in for
Only 9 ½ weeks more.

Sobbing as labor continued
Knowing I wouldn't be leaving
With a bundle of joy
But with guilt and regrets
Wondering what I did wrong
To make this happen.

They whisked away your body
Saying it was for the best
After more than two years
I am still wondering
What you would have looked like
Been like as
My baby girl.

Jody Renee Pantiga

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