Mary Naylor - I REMEMBER, DO YOU?

2014-06-12 3

Do you remember our first date?
Do you remember fixing me that gourmet steak?
Then telling me to forget my diet, for heaven’s sake?
I remember, do you?

Do you remember me driving with you in your Honey Bee,
Brand new and yellow as it could be?
And just taking in all the sights that we could see?
I remember, do you?

Do you remember our first kiss?
How at first it was crisp and brisk,
Until we melted into a cloud of bliss?
I remember, do you?

Do you remember sitting side by side,
Watching the silent Keystone Cops on some zany ride,
And laughing ‘till we almost cried?
I remember, do you?

Memories of long ago,
Memories to cherish and hold,
Memories like beaten gold,
I press them to my heart and enfold,
These old memories!
These dear memories!

(I remember, do you?)

To Paul

Mary Naylor

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