Mary Naylor - The Old Man's Plan

2014-06-12 4

'Old Man, why do you walk? '
'Look son, I've got no time for talk.
The doc says I need to lower my cholesterol.
There ain't no time for me to rest a'tall.'

'But, Old Man, why do you always walk? '
'Son, must you stand there and gawk?
I'm here because I must lose some fat.
I've no time to stop and chat.'

'Old man, isn't walking lonely? '
'Son, it's not me only.
See all those other walkers?
Notice, few, if any, are gawkers!

'And listen son, when that bright angel band,
says 'Old Man, let us lend you a hand,
into that golden, promised land.'
I'll say in a voice firm, but low,

'Thank you, but no.
I don't mean to take a stand,
and your offer is just grand,
but me and my fraternity,
plan to walk smack-dab into eternity.'

Mary Naylor