ahmed khaled - Arab League And John Nash Conspire Against Syria And Russia

2014-06-12 11

why? arab league, good men!
you have good suits and ties!
you have good sunglasses!
lightless, false glasses...
you have good gray hairs!
non_wisdom, grey hairs...
you have good spacious pockets!
bribe bribe bribe pockets...
and you have good great bellies!
oh! what bellies!
oil_made, meat_made...
and lies_made bellies...
good political bellies!
and you great nash!
great john nash of princeton...
you are a mathematician, god sake!
i respected you much...
and loved you so much...
so please, friend of my science..!
make your last equations be...
and justice_made equations..!
for both countries...
and syria.!

ahmed khaled
