Lawrence S. Pertillar - A Mess Left To Deepen

2014-06-12 1

A mess left to deepen,
By those who now weep...
Yet they swept this mess to lay in the streets.
While shunning away those,
That came to volunteer their services...
For free.
But told the debris,
Had been a figment of imposed negativity.
What was imagined was theirs to condone,
With a turning of their backs...
To expose an ignorance shown.

And what was in sight for all to see,
Was an impossibility to correct...
With a steadfast stubbornness,
Heating up to get more upset.
And what had been mentioned,
Created tensions amongst those offended.

Offended and left alone to condone their mess,
Has been done.
Leaving those who weep in their sleeplessness,
United with their wishes kept intact.
With nothing to bring them back to their senses.
Since outstanding were the payments...
To keep them smothered in delusions.
And being addicted to delusions is all they've known.

Lawrence S. Pertillar