Lawrence S. Pertillar - I Remember Peter

2014-06-12 5

I remember Peter
Use to 'conk' his hair!
Back in the day...
When I lived in Bellevue Square.

I remember the Watermans,
The Holters...
And the Jacksons down stairs!
Families who loved,
And shared their cares.

Peter tried to be slick.
Playing wicked childhood tricks,
On silly giggling girls...
To see who he would pick,
To lick his...


Greasy Peter held his own.
Sometimes aloof...
And thought of as a 'goof off'
Yet funny and never alone!

He tied his 'doo rag'
As if to top his head with a crown.
It sat high and tight,
Like a phoenix rising...
Never to land on the ground!

Peter showed us something,
To make us search...
For what he found!
Peter had an 'identity'...
No matter who felt he was unfit,
Or a dysfunctional foolish clown!

Peter showed us 'something'!
An identity he flaunted around.
And I remember Peter still...
For helping me see myself clearly,
And be 'me' regardless of who frowns!

And today I still can see Peter...
Running to catch a bus at sunrise,
And silhouetted on the horizon...
Walking home with his 'dome' held high.
Against the blazing colors...
When the sunsets enclosed him.
And the confident steps,
Peter laid down!
As if 'he' was the 'chosen'!

I remember Peter.
With a presence golden!

'For those who lived
In a time when street corner 'doo wops'
And slick wavy hair gave a freshness...
A certain purpose and a meaning to a quiet,
And racially divided time in the '50's!
Though not fully embraced,
Was tolerated 'within' those invisible boundaries!

'I Remember Peter' brings back a highly 'spirited'
era of innovation, daring, complex and yet fun filled time.
When self respect and dignity was worth more than gold! '

~Hey man?
Is this one of those 'Diapoemalogue' pieces?
A mix of poetry and personal narrative speech treats? ~

'YES! '

Lawrence S. Pertillar