Lawrence S. Pertillar - Tomorrow They Will Awaken

2014-06-12 1

Tomorrow they will awaken
With a self hatred on their minds.
Manipulated to believe...
They have been descendants of something 'divine'.

Living in debt they regret
Without respect they don't get,
Their misery has them locked to keep up 'fronts'
While they hunt for an escape that soothes.

Their shallowness has ended their rest.
As a need to compete with neighbors attest.
These greedy creatures programmed to destroy...
Have created their own monsters,
That suffocate them and annoy!

But they were out to prove they were better than the rest.
Better than the 'others'...
They forced on the streets that slept!
And now they see their dreams fading fast.
Dreams of living as upper and middle class.
Drowning in propaganda and marketed lies...
Realizing too late their lives have been jeopardized.

Tomorrow they will awaken...
Traumatized and much shakened.
When dawn approaches them fully aware...
They have been the cause,
And the reason for their own despair!

They will find these revelations shocking...
And the turmoil they encouraged,
Will leave them hopelessly impaired.
It didn't have to be this way...
Since the warnings were always there!

And tomorrow they will awaken...
Too late to borrow more time!

Lawrence S. Pertillar