David Taylor - What's Eating You?

2014-06-12 0

I just realised something surprising
I realised that I am residing
In the heart of all I see
I just realised as I was eating
That I am eating me
And realised that I am residing
In all that’s eating me
I just realised as I was breathing
That I am breathing air
The very same element
That’s upholding me right there
I just realised this moment
That every moment I am free
But I only know it
When I remember I’m not me.
I just realised that I’m alone here
That there is only one that’s me
I realised this oneness
When I stopped becoming me.
So why bother writing down this
When I am One alone?
Because I will need reminding
Next time that I forget
That I am One; Existence
And not this tiny, little
Non existent, thought provoking, me.

David Taylor
