Mark Bratlie - A Slower Pace

2014-06-12 19

Quick, quick, hurry, hurry
time is passing with a flurry
Things to do, no time to linger
life is caught up in a wringer

But whoa, whoa, let's slow the pace
life need not be an all-out race
What of life's gifts that pass on by
as treasures lost to make one cry

Seasons' colors and nature's beauty
ask for time for us to see
A slower pace allows some focus
as life's wonders beg for notice

A leaf, a cloud, a summer shower
a rainbow's arc, a full moon's power
A child's giggle, a lover's sigh
a sweet embrace, a refreshing cry

An open mind, a relaxing breath
a calm acceptance of life and death
The invitation is ours to ponder
as we focus on a life of wonder

Mark Bratlie