Lonnie Hicks - Invisibility

2014-06-12 39

Some of us are invisible
from birth
where who we are
is never noticed
never rewarded
sometimes scorned;
not pretty
not smart
not charming
just plain.

Some of us
to get smart
put on gobs of make-up
learn how to charm
if not at least
to deceive
to present an image
slathering our hopes sometimes
on these.

Some of us are too visible
too pretty
and we get the grabbers
the aggressive ones
the too-handsome
the anger
when these ploys
merely cloy
and ignored.

They all feel
you've threatened them
with invisibility.

Sad is knowing
none of most things
are not meant for you,
not aimed at you
aimed only at the 20 percent
of the super beautiful
the rich
the monied
the privileged
the super smart
the nice
the charming
the one's who matter
are seen.

is the destructive cloak
the essence of destructive oppression
Rejections Unseen Motif
creating an opposite Demand To Be Seen
if not loved
then some conclude I will be feared
some conclude if not loved
then I will retreat away
to find private solace
some conclude
if not loved
then I am liberated
to be myself.

Lonnie Hicks
