Vikas Aggarwal - You, 'My Epitome of Love'

2014-06-12 32

Its, You, who showers love on my barren, deserted-heart
Its, You, in whose presence I feel as if I am a king, 'my princess'
Its, You, and your love that keeps back all things
Its, You, who taught me, what it means, to be loved
Without you, life was in complete disarray, in shambles.
Gone were the days when I have no reason or rhyme to live-'life';
Oh, 'my Goddess of Beauty', you walked into my life like a bright sunshine, and life has gone into complete metamorphosis, I am ecstatic, I am honored.
Love is you, in your care and tenderness, in your smile, in your silky smooth touch, without you I am nothing;
Your love is what I celebrate, I live, and I live because I love you
I, now, enjoy the fullness of life, life is a bliss as it appears-more meaningful
Without you my life is not worth a dime.
For we are one my love, is what I'd wait, and I would wait till eternity
I'll wait for the day when you will be mine forever, and
Forever you would remain in my heart as an 'Epitome of Love'-My Epitome of Love.

(Saturday, March 15,2008)

Vikas Aggarwal