Kevin Campbell - School Stinks

2014-06-12 7

Science classes stink of gasses
they remind me of rotten eggs
The gym, of those who used it before
and ointment to rub on your legs

Languages smell of many things, French the smell of perfume
German smells of Bratwurst so I call it the sausage room
Spanish, tapas, paiela the sea and the sun
English smells of home, so for me thats the special one

Woodwork, sawdust and shavings
Metalwork oil and rust
Textiles smells like my gran
Cookery all that I love

Drama smells of make up
Art, glue and paint
The toilets smell of farts and wee
Now thats a smell I hate

Geography the spices of the world
History war and pain
But detentions the smell I hate the most
Because its me I smell again

Kevin Campbell