2014-06-12 56

It was a small little Church I attended
Back in my childhood days
The little country preacher taught
Me about Jesus and how he
Alone could change my ways

It wasn’t much to look at and with fancy
Scenic things it did not glow
But this little Church, “oh how
I loved it so”!

Each time I would hear the little country
Preacher talk of the Lord
It gave me a chill
And one day while he was preaching
I felt God’s nudge upon my soul
And I accepted Jesus into my heart
As I allowed the entry of God’s will

My heart leaped out of control within
My little chest, for I was just a young girl
But yet, the Lord stood at my heart’s door
And now I am freed from sin!

I have drifted many times through
The years since then
But Jesus keeps forgiving me as
I repent of every sin

That little country Church will always
Bring a smile back to my face
When my mind goes wondering back
To that lovely little place
©Copyright 1999 Becky LaPrarie

Becky LaPrarie