Dr John Celes - Ground Zero- Twin Towers, USA, Tenth Anniversary 9/11/2011

2014-06-12 30

Like a phoenix from the ash:
Twin towers from rubble
Should rise back to glory,
Despite attacks gory!

The pride of a nation great
Was hurt from depths of heart;
The shock still lingers on
As dear lives had been lost.

Tenth Anniversary
Brings memories of past;
A world united stands
To fight Terrorism.

Yet, hatred isn’t the key
To problems that we see;
Love is the missing link
Forgot by those who ink.

Bury the hurt of heart;
Don’t hurt back on your part;
Rethink on what went wrong;
Despair is in life’s song!

Let nations be alert;
Terror acts don’t seem brave;
Yet, men for love just crave;
Sow seeds of love, don’t hate!

No man is bad by heart;
The world turns some, insane;
Violence is always bane;
Let love of life remain!

Let new Twin Towers rise,
Showing newer resolve!
A sign of love and peace
As wounds of hearts all heal!

‘In memory of all the dear lives lost
And those who lost their own
to save their dear ones’ lives! ’

Copyright by Dr John Celes 9-11-’11

Dr John Celes
