Lawrence S. Pertillar - A Reality You Have Yet To Expose

2014-06-12 2

Offensive comments made,
To those marked by settled sedateness.
And often stuck up with prim self-restraint.
Sober quickly when their ears are heated,
By someone who has experienced living life...
With a choosing to refuse,
To adhere to a political correctness...
That interferes with a reality that is.

'Young man...
I was quite appalled by your statements.'

~I'm sure if you removed that weave,
False eyelashes...
And scraped that thick makeup off your face,
You'd be standing here appalled by yourself.
Since the others you are trying to convince,
That my offensive comments made were improper...
Would run away in fear,
From a reality you have yet to expose.~

'Do you hold a grudge against me for something? '

I am not that brave to discover,
Who or what it is you really are.
I'll just take my 'random' offensive statements made,
And leave it alone.
If that's okay? ~

Take my business card.
You have no idea how much we have in common.
I like direct men.
There's so much we two can discuss.'

~I have an idea.
That shadow appearing isn't completely hidden.
And I too wear a size eleven shoe.
I'll pass on doing any business with you.~

Lawrence S. Pertillar