We are the peat bog soldiers
Marching as to war
With our spades of toil
We have work in store
Marching through the country
For a thousand years or more
We won't cease our battle
Till we reach the shore
We are the peat bog soldiers
Toiling through the night
Through blood, sweat, and tears
Such is life
Peat bog soldiers
Working day and night
We're working for tomorrow
But the end's in sight
The labor is a virtue
We're glad to do the work
We're working till sunset
From Dublin unto Cork
We must work unto our dying day
God is our Master
He keeps the enemy at bay
Working for our duty
We must serve the King
We must work with vigor
And His praises bring
The work must be accomplished
So we work while we sing
Working for His majesty
As the bells toll and ring
Even though the work is demanding
We must struggle through the fight
The devil is on the offense
We must keep him in the night
Though the enemy be upon us
We know we're in the right
We will fight down to the last one
We will never give up the fight
Garrett Westcott