Where has evil originated from?
What has caused evil?
What has caused this world to be accursed?
O Adam, can you explain this to me?
I suppose you know best!
What has made man to sweat so intensely?
Why shall man die when life’s so beautiful?
In this world of evil,
Is there any good still left in me?
Why was the fruit of life neglected?
Why hast thou eaten from the forbidden tree?
What hast compelled thee?
Why weren't thee content with the garden of paradise,
And the things thereof?
Weren't thee perfect, and in a perfect place of dwelling?
Adam, why hast thou despised goodness and godliness?
Didn't these things brought happiness?
Why do I have to bear such sorrow and grief all because of your mischief?
Where were your manliness?
What has enticed thee?
Where were your mental cognitivity?
O Adam, why hast thou rendered thy own life for a wretch like me?
Why hast thou suffered afflictions to rescue me?
Why have you left a throne of prestige and power to a world so sinful and sour?
Why have you renounced your title as prince to mingle with thieves and beggars?
Why did you consume such humiliation and indignation?
Why did you not with-hold your grace and mercy?
I've done nothing to deserve any of your favours.
You've defeated the evil of this world, Adam.
You've displayed Godly characters.
You've withstood every temptation.
You've given me a new life.
You've replaced my grief with joy and peace.
Jesus, you’re the second Adam.
You've restored the Garden of Eden in my world.
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