It is love, only love,
Only love pervades everywhere,
It is love, everything is love.
There is nothing but love in this universe,
Love exists, even when the entire universe perishes,
This universe is born of love, nothing but love.
The soul is love, the body is love and
Love is eternal, love is imperishable,
Love is the same everywhere, only love is seen here.
Love is the root, love is the fruit
Love is growing from the beginning to the end
Love, love and love, that merges in love.
It is love, only love, that appears in all,
Love is the perception, love is the manifestation,
And love all, love all, nothing else but love.
Love is infinite, love is endless,
No diminution in love, love is the leaves, love is the flowers,
Love is love and love in its causative form and in diversity, love.
It is love, only love, in different shapes,
In different natures, in different interests
Temperaments, assumptions, and also in feelings, all love, love.
Love in each class, love in several class and sun-classes,
Love and love, in arts, in science, in knowledge, in colors
In single and in mixed, love and love, love is numberless, and one.
Love is love and it is complete,
No one can describe love in full details,
And nothing is beyond love, all are one in love, love, love all.
gajanan mishra