A loaded gun is now carried by all teachers
In order to defend against those insane creatures,
Who take lives of our children with each crazy desire.
The next time we see one our reaction will be 'Fire'.
Teachers have been trained to carry a weapon concealed
So they can shoot the gunman as soon as he's revealed.
All will carry loaded firearms in pocket, bra or purse,
Determined to put maniacs where they belong… in a hearse.
The children have been told the guns are for their own good.
They understand and will always react as they should.
They won't try to find and play with a loaded gun
Since that would put in danger the lives of everyone.
Nor will they ever use the gun on another classmate
Because they have been bullied, belittled or shown hate.
Most important all teachers who carry guns always loaded
Will be calm in class though their personal life has exploded.
Gregory Huyette