When your in love
Your love shouldn't shove
You off the edge
And allege
They didn't
They know they shouldn't
But do it anyway
And there on the crossway
To heaven or hell
Spiraling like a stairwell
There falling
There battling
To stay but you know
It was like an arrow
Straight to the heart
As fast as a dart
They know they did wrong
And that you belong
Wrapped in there arms
Away from harms
That we may see today
They will not betray
Not ever again
And is a talesmen
To the kids
Before they close there eyelids
The kids are asleep
Then you creep
Up to them to hug and kiss
You know this is a bliss
And you know it will last
And last tell you outlast
Your lover
And you both are bigger
In your own way
On the freeway
To your dreams
And the sun beams
For the sun to lead you
In the breakthrough
Of life
And you know you have a goodwife
She is a rubber band
Around his wrist like a wristband
He never wants to let her go
She is a glow
A glow to his heart in his chest
He has confessed
His love to her
And will capture
The life they had together
That would be brighter
They spent there life
With very few strife
Loving there sweetheart
But they must part
As the cycle of life takes place
They will face
The day they have to
And there curfew
Will be up and must depart
And they will be apart
They will see each other in heaven
Then it will brighten
On the there kids
When they close there eyelids
By: Marilee Morley
Marilee Morley