Melvin Delamente - “Limitations”

2014-06-12 29

(by: Melvin Delamente)

Now I know how important is to have a limitation,
It is not bad to have a limitation;
It is good to have a time management,
For us to know what we are going to do.

We can see our parent’s greatest love,
If they will give us a time limit at night when we are not at home;
Every thing’s on earth have a limit of living,
It is right to have a respect to a person I loved.

I am thankful for the Father of a girl, whom I loved,
For him I learned many important things about limitations;
I spent my time for her so that she will know me,
But I don’t know if until now she knows me already.

I know her already, but she said she doesn’t know me yet,
I want to confess my love to her, but because of limitations;
I think it is not the right time to know her,
But it doesn’t matter on me; I can wait… even it’s impossible to come.

(February 26,2011)

Melvin Delamente