Iron Man 3 Trailer - Homemade Behind The Scenes

2014-08-05 6

Watch the behind the scenes for the homemade version of the Iron Man 3 trailer now!
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Get ready for IRON MAN 3! DustFilms is channeling their inner channels "genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist" to deliver a homespun shot-for-shot recreation of the IRON MAN 3 trailer. This Behind The Scenes video shows how we homemade the Iron Man 3 trailer and how to make an Iron Man suit. I know what I'm doing this weekend!

Homemade Movies serves up creative remakes of your favorite trailers and movie scenes. All videos are exact shot-for-shot remakes created at home without any visual effects. It's "sweded" movie magic from director Dustin McLean!

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Dustin McLean, Sarah Hummert, Jon O'Brien, Sean Puglisi, Monica Brito, Steven Dicke, Nick Walls, Anthony Bosco, Chelsea Townley, Tim Watkins, Hari Leigh, Priscilla McLean

Directed by Dustin McLean