Iron Man 3, Star Trek Into Darkness & The Hangover 3 - 2013 Summer Movie Releases Part 1

2014-07-28 25

Summer 2013 Movie Releases starting in May: Iron Man 3, Star Trek Into Darkness, and Hangover 3, Great Gatsby, Fast and the Furious 6, and Epic! Subscribe to Cinefix -

ComicBookGirl19 is here with us to talk her top movie picks for summer 2013! Find out what's coming out and starting from May to Labor Day. You pumped for the upcoming movie releases? What's your must see?

Get the release dates!
Iron Man 3: May 3rd
The Great Gatsby: May 10th
Star Treck End of Darkness: May 17th
Hangover Part III: May 24th
Fast and the Furious 6: May 24th
Epic: May 24th
The Purge: May 31st

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