President Whitmore oversaw the most disastrous time in our nation's history. Are we ready for a repeat performance? Subscribe:
A President's Day Movie Parody: In President Whitmore's first term, our nation's infrastructure crumbled. Our nation was invaded by a foreign power, and the White House burned, for the first time since the War of 1812. Can we risk another four years under this trigger happy fighter pilot? Can we REALLY trust him to fight for our Independence?
Who will you be supporting in the next election? Do you think President Whitmore represents YOU, the ordinary American? What do you think of the fact he let his daughter hang out with an exotic dancer? What would you like to see us parody in future installments of CineFix Originals? Let us know in the comments below!
CineFix Originals come at you every Wednesday (but in honor of President's week, we've got a few extras!) bringing you original takes on your favorite movies and movie-related phenomena. Tune in Thursday to see what movie president is up for re-election next!
Created by The Devastator
Read Their Funny Books:
Twitter: @getdevastated
Written and Produced by
Asterios Kokkinos - | @asterios
John Ford
Amanda Meadows
Geoffrey Golden -
Edited by John Ford
Narrator - Eric Cunningham
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