sheena blackhall - Ravens

2014-06-12 21

The raven is the national bird of Bhutan
It is worn in the royal hat.

The raven is the official bird of the Yukon
And of the city of Yellowknife

King Harald Hardrada carried a raven banner
Called land-waster, a Viking boast

In Sweden the raven is known
As the ghost of a murdered person

In Scotland, a raven's a corbie
Feasting on knights and gallow's meat

The ravens, Hugin and Mugin
Sit upon Odin's shoulders
Their names are Thought and Memory

The raven is the trickster god
Of the Inuit and the Koyukons
The Kingdom of England will fall
If the Tower of London ravens fly away

Hail to the raven,
The Wizard of Skene's familiar
Wise were his ways who had the gift of speech

sheena blackhall