Director Says Goodbye! Take a Look, It's in the Book (of Life) or on Hulu! - CineFix Now Roundtable

2014-07-31 17

We gather for another CineFix Now Roundtable. We talk about the news that got us excited, made us sad, and the news that made us go "huh" Subscribe:

Reading Rainbow Kickstarter Kicked its Kickstarter goals's Butt:

Marvel Loses Edgar Wright off Ant-Man:
And Drew Goddard off Daredevil:
... And then when we were uploading this video, we found out the shortlist for replacing Edgar Wright:

The Book of Life Trailer is Pretty (That is all):

Community is a teensy bit closer to that sixth season that movie fans are dearly hoping for:

Also,The Shawshank Redemption gets played a lot on basic cable. Go check. It's probably on right now:

What do you think the big news of the week was? Besides Reading Rainbow and Community, what defunct show would you like to see get an Internet-aided revival? Any other new trailers you're excited about? Want to engage in some Marvel movie director speculation?

Chime in below in the comments!

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