Amazing Spider-Man 2 Review - CineFix Now

2014-08-01 2

*SPOILERS AT 4:20!!!* We just saw the Amazing Spider-Man 2. Watch and find out how the team reacted! (WARNING! Cruz and Mackenzie spill MAJOR SPOILERS 2/3s through!!) Subscribe:

I'm sure everyone will want to know how the newest film stacks up against the first Amazing Spider-Man, and the Tobey Maguire oeuvre. Well, here's what we thought. Also, spoilers.

Before you see the movie, Check out the Amazing Spider-Man 2 episode of Bad Days here:

And our homemade trailer is spoiler-free:

Are you going to see The Amazing Spider-Man 2? Are you excited? What did you think of the previous movies? How do you think this one stacked up, if you've seen it? Any other movies this summer you're looking forward to?

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