Maia Padua - REST STOPS (In Life's Journey)

2014-06-12 11

When our days are packed to the full
When our faith is clouded with doubts
When we feel our journey is nonsense
When we feel we work for nothing
When our life is killed with boredom
Or just let the time pass idly by,
We will walk through life aimlessly
Unless we take rest stops.

Rest stops
Instances when we ponder
We ponder on the journey of our lives
Our success, our failures
Before God, we will bring them all
And let it be lessons learned
Rising from our rest stops
With hearts renewed
With new confidence
We will continue our journey
With a new life, a new beginning.

When we are tired
Lets take our rest stops
And rise again, continue the journey
A life change for the better
A journey change forever.

5: 20pm

Dedicated to all...especially to Ate Meggie...

Maia Padua