Dawn Slanker - Breaking News...Poet's leaving for Mars. (alliterative acrostic)

2014-06-12 9

Written just for fun and as an introduction to poetsofmars.com

Breaking News...Poet's leaving for Mars. (acrostic)

Poets ponder perplexing problems of pen and paper while
Obviously overlooking other opportunities which
Easily explain exactly how existential explorers have come
To tred trippingly along Terza Rima, Terzanell, and Triolet verse.
Seemingly, these spaced-out word smiths are solidly sold on moving to Mars.
Obviously, the outcome offers other advantages by way of
Freedom from the fastidious focus of feral Ya'fools.
Motivating merging members of the Mars movement has other merit.
Alternately, artists are allowed to act according to their natures by
Respectively reviewing raucous writing and raising the roof without reprisal.
So, I say to all skillful scribes: straddle your stylograph and set sail for the stars.

Dawn Slanker


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