Francis Duggan - The Homeless Street Kids

2014-06-12 3

For them life is an uphill battle the Children of the lesser Gods
Yet they are the greatest of survivors they survive against all of the odds
From broken homes and of poor parents the future for them looking bleak
Just to survive in their environment they cannot be mentally or physically weak,
As young teenagers on the street and homeless their sorry lives only lead them to crime
They become addicted to narcotics and they look worn and old in their prime
They spend most of their time in prison like their parents as parents they are doomed to fail
You do not reform a person by sending that person to jail,
If they feel the whole World is against them one cannot blame them for feeling this way
In their circumstance of birth and in their parents they never did have any say,
A minority of those born to poor parents against all of the odds succeed
Despite their less privileged childhood a successful life they do lead
But the majority of the homeless street kids they turn to drugs and live by crime
And some of them by the Law wanted and some of them in jail serving time.

Francis Duggan